Replacing your warped or worn brake discs on a Toyota is something that you can do yourself. Although most people think that it's something that you have to take to the shop for, with just a little bit of knowhow, and this step-by-step guide, you will be able to do it all yourself. First of all, there are a few things that you are going to need. You are, of course, going to need the new brake discs and a jack. You will also need your lug wrench and a Phillips head screwdriver. Last, but not least, you will need a C clamp, an open end ratchet, and a dead blow hammer. When you get all of that stuff, keep reading, and you will see just how easy it is to replace this yourself.
Getting To Work
Air Ratchet Wrench
The first step is, of course, to remove the brake caliper. To do this, you would go about it just like you were going to replace your brake pads. You do this by jacking up the car, talking off the tire, and then removing the caliper. After you get it off, you need to hang it out of the way with a cord of some kind. Never just let your calipers hang! If you wanted to, you could take the caliper off, but then you would have to unbolt the break line, and no one wants to do that. Thus, if you can just get it hanging out of your way, you will be fine. Now that it's out of your way you have to remove the thing that was holding your caliper. As you will see, removing that is just like removing the caliper. Simply take off the two bolts in the back, and it's is off! Be sure not to lose any of the bolts that you take off, because you are going to need those to reattach it later!
Now all you have to do is take off your brake discs. You can do this using the large Phillips head screwdriver that we talked about you needing. Depending on the model of your Toyota, you may have to take off one or more bolts to remove it. In some rare cases, your screws could be stripped. If they are, you may have to drill them out. Either way, when you get the screws out, you can simply slide that old brake disc right off the hub. Every now and again, you will notice that the old brake discs do not want to come off. If that is the case, you are going to want to use that dead blow hammer we talked about. This is going to loosen things up a bit. After a few hard hits, you will be able to take off that old break disc. When you take it off, you can take your new brake discs, which will be all nice and shiny, and place it back on. As always, the installation is just the reverse of how you removed everything. Just do not forget to replace the brake disc screw. If you do, then you are in for one heck of a ride when you go to stop!
Few Side Notes
If you have never changed your own brakes before, then you are going to notice that this is not a good job for you. After all, the whole first part of doing this involves the fact that you have changed your own brake pads. That does not mean that you cannot do it, it just means that it is going to make everything a bit harder. Also, be sure to shop around for a good price on a new brake disc. Some places will try to overcharge you for a Toyota Brake disc, and that is not something that you should have to put up with. After all, the whole point of changing it yourself is to save money.